Twitch Chat Commands 💬

Interact with the stream through chat commands

SFX Commands

There are some sound effects that can be triggered via chat command, these commands can be used by moderators, subscribers and VIPs.

Command Description
!amazing Wow! What an amazing day...
!badumtss Such a great joke, much haha
!bazinga Bazinga! (Gotcha!)
!disgusting Disgusting!
!dogdoing What the dog doing?!
!emotional, !damage Emotional damage!
!fail Sad Spongebob music
!fbi FBI Open Up!
!gnome Whrooo
!godkolere Waldo swearing in Dutch after getting jump scared
!haha, !ha-ha Nelson from the Simpsons going “Ha-ha!”
!hell What the hell is even that?!
!hello Hello there
!honk HONK!
!knock Knock on my door
!noot Noot Noot
!ohmy Ohhhh my...
!ooh, !ouch Old school Minecraft hurt sound
!profanity Watch your profanity!
!quack, !kwaak You know, the sound a duck makes…
!scream Waldo screaming of excitement
!shesaid That's what she said!
!whoo Waldo going: “Whoo 🎉”
!winning Are Ya Winning, Son?
!wow Woooow!
!yeet YEEET